9 April 2006

Broken from slumber spell. Some ugly frog came by and give me a slap on my face till i bruised and bleed. i woke.

I have decided to publish my blog again. For past weeks, days passed by without awareness. I was like a zombie at work. No appetite, no mood to socialise, no motivation to complete my job task. Luckily, my boss is nice enough not to exert her usual pressure on me to complete my work within the given time. But that, i remind myself not to take it for granted. I have to quickly get over this bad aurua that has been surrounding me ever since that incident.

Last weekend, my sis brought me out to shop at orchard. I thought it be better than staying at home feeling self-pity. Nah, i was wrong. It was terribly bad choice. I was constantly reminded of the memories as i walked past the paths that we once strolled. The feelings of holding hands, licking the same ice cream cone, exchanging kisses all comes on. I was so awfully sad and was crying and bleeding internally when i saw happy couples. I guess i not ready for the world yet.

That why this weekend, i choose to coop at home. Some friend advises me to go out and get fresh air, some told me just to give myself time to heal, no rush to regain normancy. Afterall i have to come to face this bad truth and accept the loss.

Of course, staying in home = nothing to do except to read kennysia's weblog. Aren't we all fortunate to have a humourous blogger around? I always enjoy reading his blogs, except those politics-oriented posts cos being a bimbo girl i am, i absolutely know nothing about this politic. I start reading from his first post and now was still at somewhere in the middle of june 2005 entries. I was pretty slow but then i do stray and read else blogs. Not many blogs around i like to read. Some are simply too meaningless and too much of narcissism which invoke disgusted feeling, some are simply too cheem and robotic and humourless and lost that humane touch. And some are simply too diffult to read: FONT TOO SMALL, ENTRIES TOO LONG (UPDATED: i seem to be talking about myself here)

End up i will only read kennysia for now. And somehow after reading his, i make up my mind to publish my blog again. The previous reason why i remove the blog and put on hiatus is because
1) readership is near 0 (jk, wasn't the reason, at least there is one and that's me. I enjoy reading mine when i too bored )
2) it has become a self-destructive weapon that wiped out nearly all the bonds with my family

I dunno what i would write. But i categorised myself as mundane writer with terribly bad grammar and vocab. Not that i really write bad english, but i can't just be bothered. It wasn't as if i was writing some GP essay for some goondu englishman to mark. So long can be understooded, can liao. I just write what come into my mind in this seconds.

By the way, i'M still caffeine addicted. I re-start drinking coffee ever since i dunno when.


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